I LOVE girls camp...But I HATE camping! And even though I know Camp LoMia {the girls camp that services most of the stakes in Phx}, isn't REALLY camping...It's close enough for me. I'm just not a huge fan of sleeping on cots & with spiders. So the last 2 years that I've been YW Pres, I've just gone up to camp on Bishops Night. Which is one of my favorite things that we do all year in YW. We get to have a spiritual lesson, visit together as a ward, eat a delish dinner & then share testimony meeting with our Bishop & his cute wife.
This year our stake camp theme was "Rise Up, Step Up, Shine Forth."
Which went right along with the 2012 theme of "Arise & Shine Forth."
The small lesson that I shared with our YW was talking about strengthening your own "light" and "shine forth" as an example to others. So to go along with that...I made each of our YW these necklaces to remind them of all their fun experiences at camp.

Hi! This is Chris from Real Hero Posters. It looks like you did a Young Women activity using our art. Do you have an outline you could send me? We are always looking for new ideas to share with others.