Every month I had a hard time coming up with something fun and creative to reach the YW. So I am posting what I did for each value for those of you who may need a little creative help if you're in a similar calling.
LESSON:"Let your light so shine & trust in the Lord."
PRIZE: A small white candle with 'FAITH' written in vinyl on the front.

PRIZE: I made each of the girls a small key chain with a crown charm on it and tied it with a blue ribbon.

LESSON:I gave the analogy by using money. First I showed the girls a crisp clean dollar bill and asked them how many of them wanted that dollar. Of course, each of them raised their hands. I then wadded up that dollar bill, smashed it, and stepped on it. Trying to make the dollar less desirable. I then again asked the YW who wanted that dollar bill. And again, all the girls raised their hands. I related the dollar to the YW that even though some of us may look pretty and crisp and others of us may look a little worn and tattered, all of us have value & individual worth.
PRIZE: 100 grand candy bars...which went with the lesson but are also in a red wrapper.

LESSON: I related a story about my Mom when she was diagnosed with cancer. How when she was first diagnosed, I was scared. But as I studied about the cancer and learned more about how she would be treated, the more comfort I felt. The more knowledge I had the more confident I was with the situation.
PRIZE: I beaded each of the girls a book mark for their scriptures with green beads.

LESSON: Every choice has a consequence. You reap what you sew.
PRIZE: A packet of seeds OR you could give them a flower for their hair.

LESSON: This was around the holidays so I gave each of the YW the challenge to serve somebody that they may not know well or better yet someone they may not like.
PRIZE:I bought each of them a pair of mittens (since you serve with your hands) and tied them up with a yellow ribbon.
LESSON: I can't remember...it was in the midst of LDS prom, so I'm drawing a blank.
PRIZE: I found purple pedicure kits in the Target dollar section & added a tiny bottle of purple nail polish. The girls LOVED these.
LESSON: I gave the girls the definition of the word "virtue." I also talked about why virtue was recently added to the values.
PRIZE: I wrapped up 3-4 pack of smarties and tied them with a gold ribbon. I had a little label that said "You're a 'SMARTIE' for doing your PP."